become member lodge 81 fraternal order of police macon jackson county nc

Become a Member of FOP Lodge #81

Serving Macon & Jackson Counties in North Carolina

Macon-Jackson Lodge #81 of the Fraternal Order of Police invites you to become a member of our organization. Click on any form below to download in PDF format.

› Download Application For FOP Membership
› Download State Beneficiary Designation Form
› Download Lodge Beneficiary Designation Form


Any full-time, sworn law enforcement officer with arrest power who is employed by a government entity may become a member of the Fraternal Order of Police. Membership in Lodge 81 is restricted to law enforcement who work and/or live within Macon and Jackson Counties. Retired law enforcement officers are also welcomed and encouraged to join our lodge.

Active/Affiliate membership $75.00 includes State Lodge natural, accidental, and line of duty death benefits with legal aid plan and Local Lodge injury/death benefits; Retired membership (All new Retirees MUST attach a copy of their photo Retirement ID with their application).

Constitution and By-Laws of the Fraternal Order of Police

Article 4 - Membership

Section 1. Any regularly appointed or elected and full-time employed law enforcement officer of the United States, any state or political subdivision thereof, or any agency may be eligible for membership in the Fraternal Order of Police, subject to the provisions of this Constitution. No person shall be denied membership on account of race, religion, color, creed, sex, age, or national origin.

Section 2. Subject only to the provisions of this Constitution, each state and subordinate lodge shall be the judge of its membership. Each state and subordinate lodge shall establish requirements for membership in good standing of its respective membership, which requirements shall not be inconsistent herewith.

If you are interested in joining the Macon Jackson Lodge #81 of the FOP and have questions please contact us at


To join Lodge #81 of the North Carolina Fraternal Order of Police click here and download the online application or contact and an application can be mailed to your address.


Meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of every month at Franklin First Baptist Church located on Iotla Street in Franklin, NC.


FOP Lodge #81 is required by the NC State Lodge and the Grand Lodge to pay "Per Capita" on each and every member we have. This Per Capita is due no later than November 1st of each year or we will receive Heavy fines. This is why we MUST have your dues paid in full no later than October 15th.


Death Benefit

On June 21, 1990, the North Carolina State Lodge, Fraternal Order of Police created what is now known as the North Carolina State Lodge Death Benefit Program. The State Lodge provides a Death Benefit for every qualified member in good standing. A listing of such members will be maintained in the State Lodge Office.

A basic benefit of $3,000 will be paid for a death by natural causes. An additional benefit of $3,000 in the event of an accidental death and another $3,000 in the event of line of duty death. i.e.: Natural -$3,000*; Accidental - $6,000*; Line of Duty - $9,000.

* extends to members after retirement with continuous membership.

Military personnel assigned to law enforcement duties are covered under the natural and accidental portions of the coverage. Should a line of duty death occur, the State Lodge would pay that portion of the coverage only if the death was related to the law enforcement function. The line of duty benefit will not be paid if the death occurred either in a combat situation or any military situation not related to the law enforcement function.

This State Lodge Death Benefit program will continue in effect so long and until such time as the North Carolina State Lodge Board of directors decides not to continue this program, and/or modify or effect changes to the program. It is unequivocally and expressly understood that the status of membership does not imply any guarantee or expectation of any continued rights under this program if the Lodge decides to discontinue this program at whatever time or for whatever reason.

Additional Lodge Benefits

Macon Jackson County Lodge 81 has new Death Benefits as of 01-01-08 for our members which are paid by the Lodge exclusively.

Email: • Mail: P.O. Box 12, Franklin, NC 28744-0012